The real world...

We are back from fantasyland and full into our normal life.

What is normal one may ask. To us, normal is a bit of this and a bit of that. Some bits are interesting, some not so much. Today, as I was cutting up a fallen tree I thought that to us 'this is normal', to others it could be looked upon as 'somewhat odd'. To each his own. To some, lying on a couch and watching a football or cricket game is the norm for many on a Sunday afternoon. To some, going to a concert is the thing to do.

Enough rambling. Here was our day...

Lazy get up, the start of daylight savings time. I forgot to change the coffee clock so it came on later, good because we slept in!

To Church for spiritual fuel and a bit of catch-up with friends, then off for a quick lunch at home and then to the Farm for Alicia's 12th Birthday Tea with some 'Aunts' and two Grandmas.

Doug and Rob cut up the neighbour's tree across the street. We finished as it started to snow. [He was slaughtering Rabbits as we left.]

One photo was taken yesterday at son Wally's place cutting up wood.

A snowy farewell to Jeanette and back home to light the fireplace! Wonderful day. Maui is just a fading memory, how fast we get caught up in the real again!

Swapping a Bathing Suit for Blue Jeans...

                                                        Above photo is with Gail and Jim Cutler on our last night in Maui.

Wow, home again, home again on the 5th. It is always nice to leave for a vacation and it is always nice to come home. [For me anyhow.]

What I am looking forward to...  [Fellette is not really into this as much as I am.


A chain saw roaring and the chips flying from it!

Going to our favourite market and getting all the fresh, good produce at reasonable prices.

The smell of printer's ink and paper on my first visit to the shop.

Coffee in bed in the morning with the local newspaper.

Our own bed, shower, toilet.

Driving my very own car again!

Listening to CBC or CTV with real news from around the world.

 What I, [we] will miss...

 Early morning swims.

 Wearing shorts every day.

Pineapple every day.

Kim Chee, onions and a Miller for lunch.

Deciding what not to do that day.

Relaxing with good friends.

Time to think, and to read and relax.

Maui Vacation Recap...

Our winter break is coming to an end, and have only three sleeps left here. We arrived five weeks ago and are ready to come back to reality.

A brief summary: (Is Doug ever brief?)

The first nine days we were alone at our Maui Hill condo, it rained the first day but the weather got progressively better. Gerald and Karen Tottman from Saltspring Island joined us for eight days. Together we had a very, very low key and relaxed time. No major excursions other than a picnic up country and some interesting drives and walks with lots of beach time. Gerald was one of Canada Ticket’s early-on customers and we have kept the relationship at a personal/professional level for 30 years.

Church friends Susan and Tony Amstutz were up the road a bit and we saw them a couple of times. A fun couple indeed.

Brother Graham and friend Maureen arrived and were staying up at Kaanapali, as Graham's newly acquired place at Sugar Beach was rented out. We had a few enjoyable times with them. Our cousin Peggy Cowley and husband Gord arrived and were staying down the road from Maui Hill. We went to church with them and enjoyed a Sunday brunch with Graham and Maureen. Graham is named after Peggy’s dad, our father's half-brother. (Too complicated to explain.)

Gail and Jim Cutler arrived in Mau and were staying up at Maalaea Bay this year. Fellette and I moved in with them 10 days before leaving for home. They rented a condo on the fourth floor right on the water. The view of the bay and whales is fantastic. The only downside is that we are experiencing unprecedented winds now, the most prolonged we have ever experienced. We have felt somewhat housebound because of the howling winds and bent over palm trees outside. [Please send sympathy cards to make us feel better!]

We also got to meet Jim's son, daughter-in-law and new grandson and also Gail’s son and wife. Nice folks, like the parents.

Bits and pieces...

The airfare to get here and back is appalling, between $500 and $900.

The price of groceries is worse than appalling.

Eating out in some cases can necessitate a blood transfusion, or a second mortgage.

The economic slowdown has hit Maui hard. Lots of people here, but not spending as much on excursions and dining out as before, apparently. Hotels are feeling it more than places with cooking facilities!

The whales are here in large numbers, great viewing from Gail and Jim’s balcony!

We witnessed two ocean kayakers get dashed onto the rocks as a sudden high-wind storm came up on the beach at Wailea. Two burly beach bums swam out and got the kayaks, the girls scrambled up the rocky cliff, [in bare feet!] We pulled up stakes and had our planned picnic-on-the-beach back at the condo.

Australian friends Rod and Lyn arrived home yesterday, [we hope] from a 370-day trek around the world. We last saw them in May at the Farm as they headed east... They have wanderlust and enjoy that life. Their kitchen was completely taken out and remodeled in their absence. [We hope.] Could you do that?

Friend Ian Bennett from England sent pictures of bulbs blooming in their garden near London. Hold on folks, spring is coming.