Busy day..

Sunday, May 31. Drizzle.

It was great flight although a bit bumpy at times. The service was great, the food excellent and the seat laying flat enabled me to get several hours good sleep while Fellette watched movies, basically all night.

We were in the hotel room having tea in about 1 3/4 hours after landing. We then napped for a couple of hours and then cleaned up and strolled the streets.

Holland is known as a Progressive country, meaning very liberal about everything. We almost got high wandering the streets that we went on today. The amount of shops selling marijuana is amazing. I am not sure if we just happened to go down a few crazy streets or if this is just accepted here and is not hidden. Same as sex and everything related to it. Maybe we are just dinosaurs and not fully aware of what has happened to the world we were brought up in. It was an interesting walk I must say.

Meanwhile, from a simple tourist point of view the place is amazing. And more amazing is how the residents can live in tiny little houses at street level, or below and have this crazy world buzzing around right outside their windows and doors.

We came here for three nights so we could get over the jet lag and although we want to go sightseeing it is nice not to be in a rush to do so.

Time difference is nine hours in Holland.

Before takeoff, it is about the only time Fellette will have a drink.

Flew over our house!

Collapsed in the hotel room after an all-night movie marathon.

Out for a drippy walk.

Temptations everywhere here.

Yup, they have canals, everywhere it seems.

Quaintsy typically Amsterdam buildings.

More quaintness.

Of course they have cheese here!

Lots and lots of it.

Residential area.

Wine store.

More Dutch type architecture.

Lots of interesting food stuffs.

Stately location.

Singing in the rain. [They were.]

Wine-bottle trees decorate this houseboat.

Just a good picture.

Typically Amsterdam!

Traditionally Amsterdam.

The waiting game...

Saturday, May 30. Beautiful sunny day. 

Things went smooth at home and we left at 11:40 and were sitting in the KLM lounge sipping tea and having dainty sandwiches by 12:50. Not too bad. Traffic was non existent.

While sipping tea I connected my computer to the Internet and linked to the security cameras at our home. There we watched the people who asked for a showing today as the entered the house and wandered the garden. We do not have cameras inside the house. Regardless of thr outcome it is definitely an interesting scenario that we have got ourselves into.

Wally came by for a quick goodbye this morning which always make us feel good.

I am rather looking forward to the flight tonight, excellent seating and, I think, lay-flat seats at that and it will definitely make the transition for us from reality at home to fantasy on vacation.

We board in 3/4 hour so I am going to post this just to keep my reputation of publishing. Each day when possible. 

The pictures shown are merely me practising how to master the iPad for the blog. A bit awkward it seems!!!

Passing the time away.

Just a gag shot of Doug's 

Wally this morning.

Elvis has left the building.

On the bus from the parking lot. Very efficient today.

Testing, testing

Saturday, May 30. Sunny. 

This is just a test to see if i rember how to do a blog on an iPad, which sometimes is easier to connect with than my computer.

I never thought that this day would come. When we booked this darn cruise it was over a year ago and who knows what can happen in a day?

Pictures? Now, let's see if I remember how to do pictures on a blog with an iPad. 

Alicia and Foxgloves.

The happy gang, three gnerations.

The onion patch.

Our Last Sleep...

Friday, May 29. Beautiful sunny day. 26 C, [79F.]

What can I do to make it interesting today? Not much methinks. It was very busy day for sure, but nothing to do with the trip at all. All of our energy is going to ensure there are no loose ends that we forget about. I met with the realtor, and Scott, talked to the home designer where we made some changes to the basement plan. We cut the lawns, weeded the carrots, tidied up the tomatoes, I extended a sprinkler head for better water coverage, went to CTI and the hardware and on and on it goes. Fellette did the hard and hot lawn cutting and I did a variety of last minute odds and ends, including cleaning a window that had some streaks on it, very high up.

Jeanette brought Alicia and Adrienne out for a short visit and to say goodbye, which she always seems to do before we go away, nice.  That was about our day.

I have no idea at all what, if anything, I will be posting to a blog tomorrow. It is a travel day/night, 10  hour flight with a nine hour time difference so you would be safe to expect nothing methinks. We have some time at the airport and then 10 hours of darkness and then out of contact, and then in Amsterdam at 10:00 am Sunday at which time we will no doubt want to fall asleep, unless we sleep on the plane. Feint hope!

**  **  **

It was nice to hear from some friends when I sent the email about a travel blog. One especially, was from Australian friend Keith, whom I met in Europe in 1960. It has been a strange relationship, now going back 55 years. We have seen each other maybe eight times in that time span. Neat.

That is Keith from Australia on the left as young man, Easter Sunday 1960, me on the right. We were heading south to Sicily from Rome on motor scooter but never made it that far south. It was raining and we were wet and tired and stopped under an overpass to eat our meal. Good memories.

This is the only picture I could find quickly of the Prinsendam, the bow of it at least. A beautiful small ship. Here we are berthed at Victoria and Albert Waterfront in Cape Town. What a trip that was. We were just coming back from Antarctica, and sort of homeward bound.

Mixed Feelings...

Thursday, May 28. A beautiful sunny day.

This was about the most unproductive day in my entire life. My car had a minor factory recall and as well, it was due for an oil change etc. The run in took just short of 1 1/2 hours. The traffic was absolutely terrible, however, a 9:15 appointment time was my choice. I had the use of a courtesy vehicle and did venture to Park Royal shopping centre for a couple of shirts for the cruise.

The traffic congestion in North and West Vancouver is just short of times Square in New York now, in my countrified opinion. The day was eight hours, 2 1/2 hours of driving to and from and one hour at Park Royal. So, in essence I spent the rest of the time, close to five hours in a car dealership waiting room.!!!

Fellette meanwhile , packed our cases, [I am fortunate that she has always done the packing and does an excellent job]. I think she took over that job when for some time I did it but always managed to forget something, like pyjamas, belt, toothbrush or other essentials. Fellette also worked in the garden and managed to get her Thursday afternoon scrabble and swim in with Myra.

Before supper I needed to get grounded so we had tea in the garden and then Fellette picked the strawberries. Today she had the neighbour lady over to give garden privileges whilst we  are away. That includes, strawberries, blueberries if they come, onions, lettuce and finally bok choy, [a Chinese cabbage, eaten raw in salads].

Time is drawing short and as it does my apprehension builds. This is a short trip but I seem to get the same butterflies as a long absence for some reason. The development and build plus the possible sale of our house is certainly making for an interesting mix of emotions. But only for Doug.

By the way, this ship we are going on is Holland America's Prinsendam, the same one we went to the Antarctic on in 2006. The last time we saw it was in Lima, Peru in 2014 when it docked across from us. When we sailed it was like two dear friends parting as if for the last time, horns, waves, sirens  etc., it was very stirring and emotional, more so for the crews of the two ships.

My young bride in the Clematis.

The onions, I will compare them when we get back.

Cabbages, Bok Choy in the back row. Give them another two weeks.

Mrs. Nellie Moser is still my favourite. It should still be putting on a show when we arrive home.

Now the tomatoes are cause for concern. They will grow two feet in the next few weeks and send out all sorts of suckers that should be taken out. Oh well, next year.

Three of the four cases, two are carry-ons.  The last cruise we had about six or seven [?] it seems. However there is a difference between 14 days and 114 days!

What a gem I have for a wife.

The next mini-adventure...

Wednesday, May 27. Cloudy, warm.

Well it has been 13 months since I last did a post to this blog, that was when we came home in April 28 after four months on a ship. I thought then that it may be the last long voyage and I still think that way actually, but never say never.

In three days we are off to Amsterdam where we spend three nights before boarding a ship that basically, sails around Ireland, counter-clockwise. I have nothing significant to say at this time except the following:

If the Internet is willing, I will be doing a blog each day. So, Lord and Internet willing, you may enjoy a little Irish Cruise from the comfort of your own home.

Sherman will be looking after our house.

The website is of course      http://dfrtravels.blogspot.ca       so, just punch it in or put in your favourite or bookmark it.

Itinerary for Doug and Fellette May 30 to June 17, 2015

Saturday May 30. Leave for Amsterdam via KLM flight 682. Departs at 3:50 PM and arrives Sunday at 10:25 am. Transfer to Hotel.

Three nights in Crowne Plaza Hotel, Amsterdam. [Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.]
Wednesday, June 3. Board MS Prinsendam in Amsterdam.

                                        [June 3 to June 17 on board Prinsendam.]

Wednesday, June 17 arrive back in Amsterdam and transfer to Schipol Airport.

Leave for Vancouver 1:05 pm KLM flight 681. Arrive Vancouver 2:00 PM same day.


Date            Port/City            Time            

Jun 03            Ijmuiden (Amsterdam), NL            4:00 PM            Ship Departs 
Jun 04            At Sea           
Jun 05            Portland, England, United Kingdom            7:00 AM            Ship Arrives
Meet Alan and Carol and spend the day with them.                       
7:00 PM            Ship Departs           
Jun 06            St Peter Port, Guernsey            8:00 AM            Ship Arrives                       
9:30 AM            excursion   Excursion: Guernsey Island by Bicycle
6:00 PM            Ship Departs           
Jun 07            Falmouth, England, United Kingdom            8:00 AM            Ship Arrives                       
9:15 AM            excursion   Excursion: Coastal Trek & Pub Lunch            

7:00 PM            Ship Departs 
Jun 08            Milford Haven, Wales, United Kingdom            8:00 AM            Ship Arrives                       
5:00 PM            Ship Departs           
Jun 09            Dublin, Ireland            8:00 AM            Ship Arrives                       
8:30 AM            excursion   Excursion: Dublin Highlights
7:00 PM            dining   Pinnacle Grill for our  our 53rd Wedding Anniversary           
11:00 PM            Ship Departs           
Jun 10            At Sea  
Jun 11            Killybegs, Donegal, Ireland            8:00 AM            Ship Arrives                       
8:45 AM            excursion   Excursion: Belleek Pottery
5:00 PM            Ship Departs           
Jun 12            Galway, Ireland            8:00 AM            Ship Arrives                       
6:00 PM            Ship Departs           
Jun 13            Foynes (Limerick), Ireland            8:00 AM            Ship Arrives                       
9:00 AM            excursion   Excursion: Bunratty Castle & Folk Park            
5:00 PM            Ship Departs           
Jun 14            At Sea
Jun 15            Le Havre (Paris), France            7:00 AM            Ship Arrives                       
8:00 AM            excursion   Excursion: A Taste of Normandy: Cheese & Cider            
7:00 PM            Ship Departs           
Jun 16            Zeebrugge (Brussels), Belgium            10:00 AM            Ship Arrives                       
12:30 PM            excursion   Excursion: Bruges & Belgian Chocolates            
6:00 PM            Ship Departs  

Jun 17            Ijmuiden (Amsterdam), NL            7:00 AM            Ship Arrives 
KLM 681  1:15 PM  Fly Home Arrive  2:00 PM.