End of another year...

Thursday, December 31. Cool again.

We all waited for a bit of the chill to be burned off this morning before we started on our 'walk'. A one and one half hour forced march led by Gail and Fellette. Jim and I bring up the rear watching out for enemy snipers and protecting the vulnerable and naive ladies leading us.

Back home before lunch which was very robust bean soup and a short respite before we four ventured out again, this time to a movie some 15 minutes away. It was about 20 minutes into the movies when I suspected that's it may be a Horrow Movie. But, I reasoned, it was a Western! That hunch turned into a reality as the movie moved along. I think there were 12 deaths, maybe more, all graphically shown, all by gunshot. The blood and gore was endless. Eventually it became comical and I could not stop laughing. It was wonderful as I achieved another goal today: I watched a horror movie all the way through!

Back home for a bit of a communal quiet time disturbed only by a phone call from the neighbour who advised of water running down our yard towards the front ditch. Wally, is in Maui, Craig was not available so Jeanette and Robert went out and surveyed the situation. It was determined that the irrigation system had sprung a leak and a text to the man, Steve resulted in it being resolved in short order. Thank you neighbour Gwen, daughter Jeanette and son-in law Robert and Steve, the sprinkler man.

Gail and Jim prepared a lovely fondue dinner for us four and it was delightful. We watched the New York festivities, had a cool glass of champagne and toasted each other, put on frilly hats and had goofy time before we called it a night.

Happy New Year. 

The happy gang on a short break while walking. 

A rare shot of Fellette and her husband. 

Yup, those are grapefruit.

Caitlyn and Nathan at a New Year's Eve Luau in Maui. 

Happy New Year from Lincoln Hills, California. 

Day two in Sacramento...

Wednesday, December 30. Cool.

After last nights home cooked dinner and a little wine, we both slept well indeed. Coffee was around six and we finally emerged from the bedroom about eight.

Breakfast and then some catchup and off on a bit of a drive and then a 2 1/2 hour hike/walk along the American River and lunch in a quainsy town called Auburn which was in its heyday about 125 years ago.

Back home and some of us had a nap and some played with their iPads etc. Before dinner we drove around the 6700 unit site to look at the Christmas light and visit the clubhouse that is about the size of an arena but laid out and furnished more like a five star hotel. Only in America as they say.  

After dinner we played Rumicbes for some time before retiring at 10:00. 

Good day, relaxing yet active. 

We four on the trail by the American River this crisp morning. 

In cute little Auburn. Founded in the early 1800s I believe. This was a firehall.

Guess who.

A town full of interesting characters and history, see the names of the bars. Not sure if they refer to sandbars on the river or drinking establishments. 

This is Jim and Gail's home.

This over the top house front is alongside a drive and is visible from a kilometre away. It looks like he had it professionally done and asked for "The Works!"