Packing Begins in Earnest...

Sunday December 29.

Six more sleeps and then we are off.

This post is merely a test to see how I can get the blog away under the conditions that I will likely be forced to do while away.

Unlike at home here, access to the internet is spotty, costly and terribly slow, if available at all.

I am doing this as a test to see what the blog looks like under those conditions.

Don and CJ today.

The peach tree.


On The Road Again...

Trip to Australia, and points beyond in 2020
Doug and Fellette.

After our visit with Keith and Jenny in Melbourne, we fly to Cairns, Australia and Join the Fred Olsen Cruise ship Boudicca where we meet up with Jim and Gail.

There are really three separate segments in this trip:

1. To see my chum I met while in Europe for seven months in 1960.

2. To have an ocean voyage with good friends Jim and Gail.

3. To have a bit of an adventure trip, roughing it a little in Morocco.


January 4 fly to Auckland, New Zealand, one night in Auckland.

January 6 fly to Melbourne Australia and see 1960 Europe-Scooter-Tour friend Keith Stafford and his wife Jenny for two days.

January 9 Fly to Cairns in NE Australia and Join ship.

January 10 On Fred Olsen Lines cruise ship Boudicca, on a 45 day journey through New Guinea, Indonesia, Bali, Singapore, Thailand, Burma [Myanmar], Sri Lanka, [Ceylon], India, ending in Dubai [United Arab Emirates] on February 20.


February 20   One Night in Dubai.

February 21   Fly to Casablanca, Morocco, still with Jim and Gail. Start on a 15 day Overland Journey of Morocco, private Van with English-speaking driver-guide.
[Whilst in Morocco visit: Casablanca, Rabat, Tangiers, Chefaouen, Fez[s], Erfound, Merzouga, Ouarzazate, Marrakech, Essauori and back to Casablanca.]

March 6   Fly Air Canada, Casablanca to Montreal direct then to home, arriving same day, March 6. [ETA 8:45 PM]