Falmouth, Cornwall...

Thursday, October 3. Sunny, milder, no wind. 12 C.

A strange yellow object was spotted in the sky in the morning at Falmouth, in Cornwall today! It was the SUN, last seen by passengers eons ago. Sadly, this is the last day of touring for these people as tomorrow morning they start the long journey home to equally similar climate and lack of sun.

   We had booked a Tour to 'The Eden Project.' It was never on our Bucket List but when you are this close, why not. The coach ride took about 1.25 hours with the coach about 1/3 full. Great ride in a clear blue-sky-day through the Cornish Countryside.

   Once again the trip turned into a Trip Down Memory lane. In 1960 I hitch-hiked through this part of the world including the quaint towns of Truro and St. Austell which amazingly we drove through. Hiking around the winding and intermingling twisting hilly streets streets was a challenge indeed.

   At The Eden Project it was an interesting today, but not terribly stimulating. If you are a tree hugger and and believe in ALL things green, super! It was nice to see the sun and countryside more than anything.

   One thing that I found interesting was the obvious affect that this place would have on young children, whose parents themselves are very young. 'Get Them Young' and you can change the world I suppose. Lord knows us older generations did not do too good a job on looking after this world in so many ways did we? 

A Good Day. 

This is two of several structures. Note the size of the two workers on the right dome.

In the Rain Forest Bio Dome.


Just like in West Africa.

There is no 'rain' in the Dome, just very high humidity. That water is recirculated and pumped up there.

This four year old was having a blast at this machine puffing out steam rings. 

The Packing Wizard goes to work right after we got back from the visit.

Bags out after dinner tonight and off the ship by 8:15 tomorrow morning and then straight onto the coach to London Heathrow Airport.Maybe a four hour drive. Flight leaves around 3:00 and home around 4:00. [A nine hour flight with an eight hour time difference!]

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