Wales, Holyhead...

 Tuesday, October 1. A decent day. 15 C.

Behold, the Blog is working again!

Today we went on a Coach Tour to Caernarfon Castle some 25 minutes from the port at Holyhead. These coaches are never rear full at all and are quite luxurious indeed. 

   This Castle was built between 1283 and 1330 AD, [47 years]. The native Welsh population was not too happy about having their land now governed by French speaking people but after all, William the Conqueror was head Honcho now, and he was French. The dispute went on for hundreds of years and there is to this day, some issues.

   We did an in depth visit of the Castle that dominates this tiny town that still has the original wall surrounding it. It was not a terribly touristy town, like so many towns and villages in the UK that are just interesting to see. Some, like this Town/Village/City, appear to be stuck in time where the folks just live out their whole life much like their ancestors have done for hundreds of years, but much improved facilities and services.

   We were back on the ship in time for a late lunch and a rest before going to a Specialty Restaurant. We are certainly getting our share of rest nowadays. Three more sleeps!  

 A Good Day.

There, you can now say you have seen an Irish Ferry!

On the way to the Castle, pleasant countryside. Not terribly exciting.

Mid river fish catching facility, quaint but low impact.

The spelling is obviously Welsh.

It dominates the countryside.

Guns again, time for Doug to be in the picture.

A rock-splitting exhibit, tough work indeed.

A Chess board with life-size Pieces, here a King.

Here a Knight.

One of 1400 chairs used for the invited dignitaries when Charles was made The Prince of Wales by Queen Elizabeth. They could buy the chair for a modest sum and keep it as a souvenir.

Just a picture of my much younger wife.

Street scene.

The entry to the city through  one of many gates.

The sign...

...the Bar

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