The Idle Rich...

Wednesday, September 13. Sunny 24, breeze off the ocean.

Being in this lovely spot on the Mediterranean reminds me so much of my time on the coasts of the Med in 1960 when doing my seven month walkabout. My travelling companion, Jerry and I traveled along the coast from Italy to Spain.

Then we were living on less than $5.00 a day including gas for the scooter, Youth Hostel costs and food. We were very frugal and ate basic cheap foods. Money determined how long we could continue on the trip. It was a great incentive to be very careful with funds.

In the 60s we saw all the fancy yachting harbours and their elaborate boats and sidewalk cafes and people sipping Pernod and all the exotic drinks and goods that go with it. I seem to have developed a dislike of that lifestyle that stays with me to this day. The same type of people seem to be sitting here today, looking askance as we walk by.

Maybe it was jealousy or maybe a disrespect for what to me appeared to be 'The Idle Rich'. Today it was tables turned as we sat in the harbour and sipped a small beer and had a light lunch. It seemed strange to do this as we never do that sort of thing, to this day.

OK, enough of that, now to our day... I slept for seven hours while Fellette got three hours in. After a hot breakfast we all went for a long walk and then crashed for another 2 1/2 hours before strolling before lunch. It was then that we had a Idle-Rich lunch, then back to the hotel for a bit of a nap before dinner. We did book this so we could catch up from the nine hour jet lag that hits one no matter how you try and mitigate it somehow it hits you in the few days after a long journey. How long it takes varies from person to person.

Tomorrow we move to the city/town where we pick up the boat, boarding the boat later the next day.

There is a nice little wine at home called 'The Arrogant Frog'. Today we encountered the waiter who must have been the inspiration for that wine. I gave up on the guy when we tried to ask for separate bills. I don't know what it is, and I don't understand why certain people end up in jobs that they should not be in.

On the other hand, yesterday on our little one hour plane journey that we waited 10 hours for, I encountered a French lady, about 65, who gave me her name, address and phone number in case we ran into trouble in France on our trip.

After another nap this afternoon, we staggered out and had a light supper before retiring. Idle for sure, rich I am not so sure when I see this fleet of yachts out the window.

For dinner we strolled down to the cafe are and had Tapas for our last outside meal. Off to St. Gilles tomorrow for one night, closer to boarding the boat.

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