The Longest Day[s]

Friday and Saturday, May 31 and June 1. Beautiful weather.

No complaints, nothing went wrong and it was about as smooth as it could be for us, and, about the quietest plane we have ever been on and the newest as well. An Air Bus 900 or something like that.

It was German Lufthansa plane and crew with a very attentive crew. Business Class, it is expensive but it enables us to endure long flights so it is either business class or no trip it seems.

I won't bother you with the details but the trip seemed to be endless. Finally we arrived by taxi in Madrid from the airport and it was then that I realised we are not going to be able to communicate in Spanish. No way! They talk so fast!

The streets of Madrid are packed with taxis and cars with pedestrians moving at a somewhat less hurried pace than at home.

We checked in, connected to wi-fi and unpacked a bit and then took off to the Apple Store to but a bloody mouse that seems to have eluded our packing efforts at home. How dumb can that be Doug?

The store was a few minutes away but on the way I was fascinated by the atmosphere in the area. Scores of people just being casual and seemingly content with life. No rowdies or bad people. The buildings although not Classical by any means are an interesting change from what we have at home.

We went to bed around nine, dead tired but happy.

My bride at Vancouver Airport.

Our fist sight of Spain coming in this afternoon. It almost looks Medieval.

The entrance to our hotel that is 106 years old this year. Nice but not snooty.

The Lobby.

The Lobby from looking back. 

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I realise that this is not what you are expecting to see in Madrid but this is as good as it gets after 30 hours up and nine time zones with four hours sleep! 

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I took these rather bad shots on our evening walk to the store! 

I am still trying to figure this one out!

Museum of Ham?

1 comment:

  1. We we’re at Museo del Jamon in Madrid in 2004! All those ham legs hanging from the ceiling.
