Sydney in the morning...

Wednesday, February 8. Blue sky, calm seas. Day 36. [Now five hours behind West Coast time.] 21 C.

Another lazy day for us. I think that I may be up to date on sleep by now. However, the motion of the ship, no matter how gentle, seems to have an affect on my sleep requirements: I need more sleep at sea! I am not going to fight that as there is no guilt attached to it. At home there is a guilt feeling if I linger too long on an afternoon nap for instance. Unfortunately I never really learned how to relax. I have found out over the years that there are two places that I can truly relax: Maui and on a cruise ship!

On a No News Day at sea:

If you look at a map of our entire route or read the itinerary, it is broken into several very different categories of countries. 

From start to finish: Panama Canal, etc.; South Pacific Islands; New Zealand and Australia;. West Africa; I put Morocco in a category of its own; Spain up to Norway; Britain & Ireland; finally, Homeward Bound. 

All of these categories will have more or less interest to different folks. Fellette and I are very familiar with all of the categories, except West Africa. From a few comments from others, plus a certain uninformed opinion that I have, I am also one of those that are somewhat apprehensive of those West African ports, that have always intrigued me since I was a small child. 'Dark Africa' was the name of a book I had about 80 years ago. I can still see the pictures in my mind. It was in black and white printing so it was scarier still for wee Dougie! I have tried to get that book for years, to no avail.

It will be interesting to see which ones of those West Africa ports live up to the images in my head. A few years ago we stopped in on the Cape Verde Island, off the west coast of  Africa. It was one of those places that I had sort of wanted to see it, in broad daylight, but wanted to get back to the ship without eating, drinking or using a toilet, then have a good shower! 

One other category that is going to be very interesting, familiar and comfortable, for us, is the stretch from Spain to Norway. However there are 16 ports and only four sea days! That is an absolute killer of an agenda and I am looking forward to being very selective about how much energy and shoe leather I spend there.

A Great Relaxing Day Before Two Weeks in OZ!

I had to have a picture today. Flipping through my library I came across this: Our Christmas Staff Photo, for 2022. I know that some may be peeking in to see the blog once in a while so here you are Guys and Girls. Surprise!

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