Busy, busy, busy...

Friday, April 7. Coolish

Sorry about the late blog, there are simply not enough hours to do it all.

We were on our way at 8.00 am with not enough sleep. We arrived back home around 8.45 pm and went for dinner with our English guide, home around 11.00 pm, to tired to write.

The reason we were late was because we left the group ay Vimy Memorial and went by van with another lady searching for her uncle, also killed at Vimy in a far off cemetery. After she found him we searched for H. Bridgman in another remote cemetery. By then we were exhausted, hungry and late.

It was an amazing day for us. We first went to see a German cemetery, then the underground chalk caves where the Canadians were bullied underground and stayed before the assault on vimy.

Sorry for the short blog.

Some pictures…

In a store picking out our food for the day. And some refreshments.

Down they go into the tunnels.

Ready to go underground.

Underground art.

We had a regimental ceremony here for Seaforths buried here at Vimy.

Row on row on row, at another cemetery.

A remote cemetery.

This is the reason for the trip today to a cemetery where Peggy's uncle is buried. Killed the first day of Vimy.

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