Travel day...

Wednesday, April 12. Chilly, very chilly. 

Today our goal was to travel from Ypres in Belgium to Haarlem a few kilometres from Amsterdam Schipol airport. Tomorrow the main body of the tour heads back to Vancouver while we head to London for five nights.

Our day involved driving from Ypres to Brugge, which we did without incident. We spent four chilly hours in Brugge which was spared in both wars so it is as it was hundreds of years ago.

If Brugge is any indication, the Belgians who are fortunate enough to be in the upper middle class lead a very sophisticated life. The fashions and high life is evident every where you look, in shops and restaurants etc. Prices seem ridiculously high to me even in the local Farmers Market that we visited. However a local from Sweden who lives half time in Vancouver and half in France says it seems to level out.

At 2.00 we departed Brugge and took off for Haarlem. The first 1/2 hour went well and then we sat in a line of trucks and autos  for over an hour in a  seemingly unorganized shambles of trucks of all nature. Roadworks was the issue and eventually we broke free and rocketed towards Haarlem, unhindered by traffic. There was very nice buffet dinner and between dinner and dessert The Seaforth Highlanders of Holland preformed for us.

While in England we will spend the first full day up north a bit to Northamptonshire tracking down the Robins side of the family. The towns of Church Brampton and Chapel Brampton are our prime objectives as that is where Grampa Robins is listed on the 1871 and 1881 census.

At the beginning of the 19th century, some 117 years ago, a Mark Robins was running the village pub known as The Spencer arms, as it still is today. 

We have hired a car and driver for Friday so our method of transport will change abruptly from a 60 passenger bus to a private car and driver.

After the Family day up north we have a few options we hope to peruse, one being to visit Key Gardens. We are fully aware it is Easter weekend but we can't help that, it may work to our benefit, who knows. 

Some shots of our day in Brugge, which I think I have misspelled a few times previously…

Our first shot in Brugge at 10.00 AM, we were surprised by the chill of the wind.

This town did not get destroyed in the wars, so these are very old buildings, no modern reproductions.

It is like a mini Venice. I am cold and need to pee, Fellette located a handy pissoir for me. 

The markets are always interesting to visit. This was an upscale market, as markets go.

Not a bad price for good berries.

Jig-saw puzzle perfect!

Biscuit-tin perfect.

Anybody heard of Madonna of Brugge by Michelangelo?

Tomb of Charles the Bold, died 1477. Brought back to Brugge in 1550.

Confessionals in the church holding the Madonna. There must have been lots of sinning going on because they have two confessionals!

The other confessional .Solid wood, and a beautiful job.

The Last Supper, another view.

This was a Nunnery so there was no talking in this field where the Nuns scurried around. Today, Silence Please!

Modern day tourists.

A bit of whimsy at our lunch stop today.

The band played before dessert. 

This bass drummer is 6'6".  He must eat a lot of herring.

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