The Longest day...

Tuesday and Wednesday, April 4/5.

A quick flight but a long night. The service and food was excellent, the seats that lay almost flat were great but the sleep was hard to come by.

We arrived 45 minutes early, around 9.50 am. There are 60 of us so it took a while to gather the group with their luggage and get it all in the bus and us on the way. Amsterdam is a terrible city to drive in unless you are on a bike! The bus took forever to get to the hotel where what we did was leave our luggage on the bus and or personal belongings at our seats. 

We then went to the hotel to use the washrooms and then after a bit of a wander, had lunch in an adjoining hotel. WE had another self wander and took a canal cruise and back to the bus, got our luggage and checked into the hotel and got to our rooms.

Dinner at 7:30 where we met new friends and had good conversations, and then  to bed, dead tired.

Tomorrow morning at nine we leave for France and tomorrow night and the next three nights we spend in and around Amiens, France.

Some of the Motley Crew.

Statues of Rembrandt's subjects.

Lots of quaintsy bridges here.

Spring day in….

We love looking at all the bulbs and flowers that we cannot have.

Only in Amsterdam…

Busy day in Amsterdam. I think that the locals are fed up with winter and just want get out in the sunshine, no matter how cold the wind is.

Two old folks at Rembrandt Square.

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