Its been fun...

Tuesday, April 18. Blue sky at 35,000 feet.

We were up shortly after 4.00 AM and down in the lobby of the hotel by 5.20. We checked out and stepped outside just as our car and driver arrived. Presto Magico and in 1/2 hour we were in Heathrow Terminal 4. 

Soon, checked in, through security and sitting in the KLM lounge having a coffee and hot breakfast. Next to the gate for the Hopper to Amsterdam , landed and then we walked to the gate for good old YVR.

We briefly sat with a 58 year old Polish women who introduced herself as Polish: 'The Mexicans of Europe'. She said she came to Canada 30 years ago and became a Canadian Citizen, she said Canada is the best country in the world and she is so glad that she became a Canadian. 

She also told her dad that she now feels more Canadian than Polish but she did not tell her mom that as it would make her too sad. She said that the Poles are the reason for Brexit. They are all over the place and don't seem to fit in anywhere. [Sad to hear a person say that.] She also said that Europe is in a mess.

This business class thing is pretty darn nice, I am sure Craig will agree with that. Fellette is seated one row behind us, chatting with a Dutch or German gent so Craig and I can do a little computer work on the picture and blog books I have to get done. Without being snobby, it does make  a long travel-day an absolute pleasure instead of an ordeal.

Here I am at 35,00 feet, 1 1/2  hour after take off, reclining in my seat with a gin and tonic as some lovely Dutch ladies who go about making sure our every whim is taken care of. 

Craig has earphones on as we await our lunch after ordering from a menu given us shortly after departure. I am trying to write the blog before the need to sleep overcomes us. 

This last 15 days have been a meat grinder for Fellette and I, but we would not have missed it for a bit. It was a great trip on itself, made better with Craig with us. He is an 'Easy Traveler' indeed.

On the moving sidewalk during one of our walking journeys earlier today, I thought that we were going at a pretty good pace, keeping to the right so anybody in a real hurry could pass us. Sure as heck, some 20 year old piece of fluff passed us, on the phone walking about twice our speed. I could see that she was not racing, but just walking at a pace that she could keep up for hours and hours. YOUTH. That is the difference! 

As I move along in life I seem to become more of an observer in life rather than a participant. Maybe that is the Gin talking though. I must close for a moment, I see our lunch coming down the aisle.

The flight was non eventual, we got our luggage after a bit of a delay then picked up the car and then got caught in traffic but made it home safely.

That's it for a while kids. I will advise when something interesting in the way of a trip happens.


Published early because we are going to bed!

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