On the way...

Tuesday, April 4. Cloudy

Today is the day we have been waiting for for over a year: off to France and Vimy.

The day sort of dribbled away for us, and Craig.  It was almost painful so we left a bit early and had a leisurely lunch in the lounge at KLM. 

France is nine hours ahead of Vancouver time so when we get over there we will likely and hopefully publish the blog at around 9:00 PM. That is going to be at 6:00 AM in Vancouver. So don't expect it to happen at the usual time of 10:00 PM. 

The group we are with has about 45 to 50 in it. There seemed to be about 20 or more of them in the KLM lounge. There is quite a disrepiency in ages of the group, much more than it thought. Women men and one 13 year old travelling with his grandfather, whom I served with. 

It is going to be a long night indeed, nine hours, followed by a canal cruise in Amsterdam
 as our hotel rooms will not be ready at noon. In the evening we have a group dinner, which should be interesting as most of us will be more sleepy than we are tired.

That's it, see you in Amsterdam. 

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