Edinburgh, or Auld Reeky...

Wednesday, September 25. Blue sky. 10 C, chilly.

We are at anchor or hovering in one spot more likely. It is a 15 minute tender ride, then a 15 minute coach ride near Princes Street below the Castle that dominates the city.

In my wildest dreams I thought that I may get myself a Harris Tweed sports coat this trip. However, the prices of such are ridiculous, so I tried on a vest and ended up getting it and the vest! In for a Penny, in for a Pound goes the saying!

We found out that it appears we have walked too many flights of stairs on the ship as our legs did not appreciate the walking this morning, although as the time went on it got better. Come time to go back to the ship we had a lovely big Mercedes Benz shuttle bus all to ourselves, and, at the Tender Dock going back to the ship, Regent had charted a local tour boat  so we got back on board in Grand Style!

On the tour boat on the way back to the ship I chatted with a crew member, a New Zealander about 30 years old. I asked her how all the serving staff was so happy, polite and intent on doing there job in the most professional way. She told me that Regent goes through an Agency for that aspect of the crew. Also, Regent has onboard their ships an officer who is responsible to oversee that those people maintain a set of standards set by Regent. Believe me the difference is noticeable, you can just feel it everywhere.

We both feel a bit guilty about not really mixing and mingling on board this trip. We both do miss the company of Jim and Gail on board a ship, after all we have spent more than 500 days at sea with them since we met, on a ship years ago. 

I think that we both are quite weary actually, not from jet-lag or walking the stairs on the ship but just from the fact that we are older than we think we are. We don't really know how to relax and guess what? Now we are forced to relax and actually rather quite enjoy it because here we have no other option. And it feels very, very good to do so!

An Excellent Day.

Ahhh, that first coffee in the morning feels great doesn't it?

Wow, piped into the dock this morning, nice.

Fellette picking out a tee-shirt for great grandson Miles this morning, we thought that buying gifts for kids and grandkids was over!

Downtown Edinburgh,  just a big city. We have walked it several times before in younger years, my first time was 64 years ago. 

The very right side of the castle.
Look at the size of that 'Tender' taking us back to the ship!

The perfect day for such a open deck ride.

Thar she blows, plus my finger!

We discovered a quiet on-deck lunch or drink area at the very back of deck 11. Decadent.

We haven't done this for years and years: Laid out our booty for the day and take a photo. Years ago it had stuff for our grandkids. How crass of us!

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