We Are Off...

Wednesday, September 18. Cloudy 19 C.

We are in the lounge at The Vancouver Airport awaiting the time to board our overnight flight to London. Hopefully we get some sleep because we start off with an eight hour time difference. Usually that took us about four days to get over, but that was when we were somewhat younger. It will be interesting to find out if there is any difference with a few years on us!

Well, all I can say at this point is that the trip so far has been Great. But, we have only moved about 35 miles from our home to the Airport!

All being well the next blog I send will be from London on Thursday night, [London time which will be some time around noon Vancouver time.]

We went to the airport early just to avoid some of the issues that we have had in our travel life. So far, so good. A cup of tea or a glass of wine is always a good way to start a trip.

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