The Pilots Strike That Never Happened...

Sunday, September 15. Dry, cool. 19 C.

I woke up at 4:00 this morning and looked at the news on my phone and was delighted to see that Air Canada and The Pilots Union had settled and we would be going to London as planned on Wednesday evening! Hurray, Thank you Lord. The uncertainty is gone!

After the past month of not knowing if we were going to fly as scheduled, is takes a bit of time to sink into that yes, we have to get ready to go because we really, really are going!

I am aware that some of the people that I informed about my Travel Blog will not be interested in seeing it. But most will. So, if you are not interested, don't look at it. I am only be going to send two emails; one will be to let you know about it and a reminder the day we get on the plane.

I do this travel blog as a formal way of doing a diary of Fellette and I. You may or may not know that I do a Private Journal every single day of my life and have done so for the past 15 years. That includes all the ups and downs in our and my family's life. When travelling, I do a Travel Blog.

Please don't expect every day to be a rip-roaring day of excitement. You may even be thankful that you are not on the trip, and that is OK, it is what it is.

Britain can be a bit stuffy compared to other exciting 'Foreign' places like Zanzibar, Madagascar, South Africa. etc. But, this is what we chose to do, so this is what you are going to get.

I will do a Travel Blog each day until we get on the plane and only then will it have something to do with travel, until then, it will just be a note or two on what we did at home in the intervening three days. 

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