Monday, September 16. Still at home.

Just marking time till we leave. Many little small details to take care of, some turn complicated: Like trying to speak to a real Human Being to change the contact person for our Home Security System. Gee it was nice when you could pick up the phone and get a person, or better still send an email to take care of it.

Why have they made so many things super complicated to do routine matters. I am sick of sitting on 'Hold' waiting to get through to 'An Agent'.

I guess you may be thinking that this guy, Doug, must be an Old Grump! Yes and no, Yes I am old but no, I am not a grump.

Where did Service go? Do you remember when you went to a Gas Station and pulled in and a fellow popped up to your window and asked you what you would like? You would say, "Fill her up please" and he would clean your windshield and then say, "Can I check your oil?" That was a different world, but one I grew up in, and sadly miss. Now, even women with babies, or pregnant, fill their own cars while somebody in the office sits and watches them.

I spent hours on the phone, on hold today, that is what triggered this rant.


  1. Rant away Doug! when you do it is therapeutic for me as well .

  2. And me too! Fraser Health is another story!

  3. If it feels good, get it off your chest
