Testing the Whole Darn Thing a Week Early...

Wednesday, September 11. Rain, all day. 15 C.

They say that 'Travel is an Adventure'. Yes it certainly is, even all the stuff that you have to go through prior to the trip is complicated enough, even for much younger folks than us. At our age it can be downright stressful. On this trip we are further stressed by the Air Canada Pilots who happen to be in a Strike Position the morning of the day we are supposed to hop on the flight and have a jolly good sleep as we wing our way over the top of the world to London Town.

I realize that there is not much sympathy for us in this situation, this for a number of reasons that I will not discuss here.

This quickie Vacation is likely to be a bit of a disappointment regarding weather. We are not going to be heading due south to sunnier climes when we set sail as we usually do. We are after all in Britain,  a British friend once told me, "There is no good time to sail around Britain" I remember that well, but it is on our Bucket List!

Other than the possibility of the Pilot Strike I have another concern, that is my darn feet! The last trip  was a disaster for me because of the darn foot issue that I had. This time, the excursions we have are somewhat less strenuous and I have a whole new wardrobe of better fitting shoes. Three in total!

I am writing this blog just to see what needs to be adjusted in things that I take re computer etc., etc.

We are still shoving things in. I don't want a repeat of the last trip when we forgot so many things!

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