The Longest Day...

Thursday, September 19. In London. Hot, yup. 24 C.

Yesterday was long and tiring, the night was longer and actually quite nice. However by the time we got through formalities at the airport, which was super easy, picked up and through London traffic to the hotel we were bagged!

In the hotel, it is very nice, clean and quiet. Modest I would say, maybe a touch above? it is hard to tell, everything is old on the outside but very spiffy inside. The staff is very accommodating and a mix of British and East Europeans I am surmising by the accents, and more Asians than I would have expected.

Son Wally and his wife, Katrina are close by us, we have been back and forth texting today. They are on a River Excursion sailing this morning from Amsterdam across the channel from us, sailing down to Switzerland. A very nice trip ahead of them.

Tomorrow we are opting out of a day tour around London, complimentary as part of our Cruise Line. Tomorrow night we are meeting up with Ian and Judy, English friends we met some 20 odd years ago on a British Cruise Ship and just hit it off with them. We have not seem them for several years and are having dinner with them tomorrow night. We don't want to fall asleep on them tomorrow so we are having a bit of a rest day tomorrow so we have a chance of being reasonably intelligent tomorrow evening!

An Excellent Day.

Good old Vancouver Airport!

In the lounge yesterday before take off.

Up, Up and away!

Appetizer for dinner, give me a break please. Parked in a seat for 8 1/2 hours with a full belly?

Our route, 'Over the Pole' they used to call it.

Yup, back in Blighty again. It feels good!

Our home for three days. Is it British do you think?

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