Lerwick, in The Shetlands...

Friday, September 27. Chilling cold and windy. 7 C.

The internet is acting up again so this is the second time I have written this blog today.

We went on a Walking Tour of this town of 7000 hardy souls. Our guide was a youngish native of this area. She had a very strong accent that I could hardly understand but it became easier to understand as time went by. She explained that is a mish-mash of English, Celtish, Norse and Dutch.

There is nothing terribly exciting to report today about our visit. We have also been here before several years ago, but nice to see it again.

Fellette and I are feeling a wee bit guilty about or apparent laziness  on this trip. We are both seemingly endlessly tired, but I feel that it is because we are incapable of doing what we do at home. Work! It is impossible for us to work here, so we don't. And guess what, we are relaxing and that is something we have never mastered to do at home. So this is good news.

A Very Relaxing Day...

Coming into Lerwick early today.

Our guide, dressed for the cold this morning, orienting us.

I don't think the picture captures the wind and the cold.

We were a small group of maybe 20 souls.

 Not what you would call a 'A home on the water', likely a couple of hundred years old, made of stone.
Doug in his Big Gun photo Opportunity. At Fort Charlotte this morning.

Self explanatory.

Into the camp. To this day it is a functioning Territorial [Reserve] Army base.

Home sweet home.

This seems to be 'A Thing' here, a garage with an upturned boat built in as an integral part, forming the roof.

Our guide took us inside the City Hall to warm us up.

We warmed up back on the ship, Fellette had tea, I had an Irish Coffee. [With half a shot of the Irish].

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