Tuesday, January 26, Australia Day, clear, slight swell, beautiful.

The ship is ploughing along at a very good clip, over 21 knots per hour, as it is a fair run from Panama to Acapulco. Even at that we only get six hours in the port, where we have booked a jet boat ride. We live in hope of adventure.

Judy has a bit of a cough and heavy chest so I rather suspect they will have a quiet day tomorrow.

A day at sea is about as restful as it gets so not a lot to report on that front.

As an aside, if you are ever planning a long cruise, or any cruise for that matter, consider the course of the ship and its relation to the sun. The morning sunrises are very nice to wake up to, however the evening sun and sunset have more staying power. We love to get ready for dinner with the sun streaming into the room and music playing. [No matter how many times we do that we always appreciate how fortunate we are to be able to do this.] It can be like a tanning salon outside if you have a balcony in the tropics, about three minutes at a time is all we can do outside.

So, back to the build if I may...

It has been almost three weeks since we last saw the house in the flesh, however I get regular photos from Wally and our contractor, so I am up to steam. The house roof will be finished possibly tomorrow. Then hopefully they can get right onto the shop roof. [Now that it is taking shape I think it is worthy of a better name than shed, sorry my Aussie friends!]

Somehow it appears that the tradespeople are not as complacent as they were in days past. They want to get paid so they get right at it without hesitation, rain or shine. Maybe it is just good work on our contractors part though! Possibly we did build at a good time as we have been told. Prices are down and the trades are not overbooked and it is more competitive and they seem anxious to work.

The basement slab will be poured shortly so the framers can finish the stairs etc. As well, the heating and A/C people will get in after the slab is poured, followed by the electricians, followed by the alarm people followed by some wiring we are having done for computers, cable, telephone and cameras for surveillance in the future. The building may sit for a week before we get home. Then after we are happy the plumbing, heating, and electrical, it will be insulated and then dry-walled.

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